Registration Forms

Register Today

Registration for the new preschool term 2023 - 2024, begins on February 1, 2023 and continues until all spots are filled. Registrations are taken on a first come first serve basis and spots are not reserved until a registration form and the $50.00 nonrefundable registration fee for new students and $40.00 registration fee for returning students are returned to the preschool.

There is a print application to download above, or you can fill out the electronic version below.  With either option, the registration fee must be dropped off at the preschool in order to complete your child's registration for class. 

Photo by Element5 Digital
Please select which class you're interested in for your child. Note that children registering for Primary class must be age 3 by September 1.

Parent Information

All records at Jack and Jill are confidential. No information is given out or shared with any other persons or agencies. Note: If parents share custody, Jack and Jill must be supplied with copies of all legally binding agreements, court directives, and any other executed documents that are applicable.
Primary Custody(Required)
Include home and cell
Can you be contacted at your work number?
Include home and cell
Can you be contacted at your work number?

Emergency Contact

This is the person who will be called if we cannot reach the parent. This person must be authorized to pick up your child if called by the preschool
Can include two, if needed
e.g.: home, to a grandparent, babysitter)
For person who cares for your child after preschool.
e.g.: speech therapy, I. U. services)

Home Life

List all members of the household, their relationship to the child, and their ages: (may input two names per field, if needed)

Pick up and drop off

List the people to whom you are giving permission to drop off or pick up your child on a regular basis. (e.g.: grandparents, aunts/uncles, babysitters, neighbors, other persons.) Please note: These are they only people who will be allowed to pick up your child at school unless specific permission is given. If you are involved in a custody situation, the preschool needs copies of all custody papers, P.F.A.’s, or any other documents that outline persons who are to be permitted or excluded from transporting this child.

Family nicknames

By what name does your child know important people in their life? For example grandmothers could be nana, oma, nanny, granny, grandma, etc. Grandfathers could be called pap, pop, opa, pappy, etc. Many children have specific names for all their grandparents & we do not realize who they are speaking about when they use these terms. Likewise, aunts, uncles, neighbors, special friends of parents may have nicknames that the children use that we might need to know.

Pets & Experiences

Please note whether or not a parent has been with the child during these experiences
Please note that church membership is not a requirement for your child to enroll at Jack & Jill Preschool.

Heath background

e.g., Frail, Occasional illness, Rarely ill, Good health
Is there any reason your child should not participate in physical activities?(Required)
Please type your name as signature.

Copyright © 2025, Jack and Jill Preschool